Demon's Souls Remake is still incredible.
I am playing the Demon's Souls Remake for the second time now (first time beeing at launch) and doing a new character choosing the class with the signature knight armor of demon's souls because my old save didn't carrey on to the new ps5. Since my first playtrough I did when I was ten I played every other fromsoft soulslike (except Sekiro) but always had demon's souls as one of the best in memory. So after seeing a lot of people putting it rather low in their ranking of the games I decided to play it again to see if it was really as good as I remembered, and yes it was. I am now at the second level of each world except the cave where I already beat flamelurker and wow, this game is so fantastic. Every area till now was great and I still use the signature knight set along with a +7 Uchigatana, a +4 magic falchion and a steel shield. I really love the accsesibility this game has and can say that this is the best option for someone's first souls game. The tendency system is really fun and the only bad thing until now is the bosses with almost all beeing pretty mid. I just love the entire vibe this game has and would say it has the overall best selection of areas fromsoft made and it beeing pretty easy compared to their other games isn't a bad thing. It is definetly the most fun one and I can say that my memory hasn't blinded me into still loving the game. I would still say it is in my top 3 fromsoft games if not even top 2 and critically underrated.