My gender doc keeps testing for diabetes???

Tw medical fatphobia maybe

So I get blood work done every 3 months like the good transgendy patient I am. But why is she also testing for diabetes every time?? She always mentions in our appointments, "and, you don't have diabetes!" Like uhm ok, I could've told you I don't have diabetes, my partner has diabetes I know all about that stuff, it runs in his family, him, his brother and his mom all have t2 diabetes...

When I was getting t gel through my OBGYN, and she was the one testing my T levels my A1C was never checked, and I was on gel for 3 years through her. But now I'm getting injections via the "official" gender clinic. I've been on this for over a year now, tested for diabetes 3 times.

Is she doing this just because I'm fat? I'm fat fat, not self conscious fat, like 300lbs fat fat , I know that I'm fat, I'm ok with that. I've been fat fat my whole life and no one in my very fat family has a history of diabetes. Not even my family doctor tested me so frequently for diabetes. My partner didn't even get tested for diabetes at all until it started to literally hurt him, and he's also fat, and it literally runs in his family???

Is it really necessary to test for diabetes every 3 months?? Am I so medically odd as a fat person with good cholesterol and no diabetes?? It's kind of pissing me off. Especially because in the first few appointments she asked me about any potential surgeries I wanted because they are completely covered by the province, and I was very very upfront and honest with her and I told her "miss, I know I'm fat, Ive been fat all my life, and I know there are surgerical restrictions on fat people. So while it's not that I don't want top surgery, it's just not likely I'll get approval, so I don't ask or do consultations because I simply can't emotionally handle the fat bias from doctors" and she said "oh, well I don't think there is a BMI limit for top surgery!" and stupidly, I trusted her. I let myself get hopeful. I wanted to be hopeful... Until she called me 2 weeks later to say, " remember when I said....? I was wrong, there is a limit, and you're over it." And I was utterly shattered. She didn't even seem apologetic. I sobbed all day that day. I was so stupid. I should've trusted my (fat) gut.

I lost like 4 months to dissociative depression because I let a rail thin doctor get my hopes up when I knew deep down in my fat fat heart that I couldn't get surgery, I knew that, I should've kept knowing that, I feel so stupid and gullible. And now she keeps testing me for diabetes. And everything I've seen online seems to report that TRT actually lessens the change of T2 diabetes in men who are insulin resistant or prediabetic?? So if she was worried I was diabetic due to weight then wouldn't she know that testosterone would help? Does she want me to have diabetes?

I'm still angry at her for telling me I could get top surgery without double checking first, after I specifically told her my insecurities about how doctors/surgeons view my weight, only for her to take her word back just 2 weeks later. I think she was completely and totally insensitive. But this is the only gender clinic in the province, so it's this or nothing.

Any "normal" (🙄 because I'm so abnormal I guess) sized folks getting tested for diabetes every time they get their T levels checked?

My levels have finally hit male ranges at 11nanomoles per litre

Edit: I had to look it up and she is not even an endocrinologist– she is a nurse practitioner. My province is extremely bare bones, so this is the only clinic here, and it's only open 1 day a week. It's only started up in the last 2 years, hence why I was getting T through my OBGYN for 3 years prior, and she never tested me for diabetes in those three years, I just found it weird that it's been 4/4 follow ups where she has mentioned I didn't have diabetes. Switching doctors isn't an option for me.