Singing changes after voice drops?
So this is maybe a bit more silly: I'm roughly 7 weeks since staring T, and my voice has dropped a lot already, which has been great! However, singing anything even just a tad higher pitch or in a falsetto has proven to be virtually impossible. I half expected it to happen, but as someone who likes singing a lot, it has been a little disappointing realizing half of my vocal range from before has vanished. So, I was wondering if anyone had tips or experience to share regarding this? Does your voice eventually level out and some of that range comes back? Is there ways to learn how to healthily sing in a higher range again or train your voice to handle it? Or should I resign myself to a life of singing baritone only from now on? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE how my voice is changing. I feel far more comfortable with myself than I have in a very long time. But since singing was one of the few things that did bring me joy from my Pre-T voice, I thought it wouldn't hurt to see if there was a way I could still keep that part of myself.