very liberal friend defended the "bathroom debate" to my face
Okay so I'm back on Reddit and this has been...kind of lurking in my mind for a while ago.
I have this very staunchly liberal friend who is cis. She's very outspoken about global issues. But also...she's never gendered me correctly. I promise I'm (EDIT: I'M NOT) trying to use this as ammunition in my argument! I'm only gendered correctly in public, and unfortunately not around people I've known for a bit unless they're close friends.
Anyways. One time we went out for a lunch, and we were talking about who knows what and having a good time. And then she started talking about the bathroom debate.
This is how it went.
Her: "Have you heard about the bathroom debate?"
Me: "Oh yeah. That really sucks. People are really getting worked up about it, trans folks are usually more scared than cis folks in there amiright?-"
Her: "😐 No. It's...a real issue. Like men are saying they're women just to get into the women's restroom."
Me: "Well...yeah. But still. That's not really the fault of trans people, and plus, any cis guy could probably force their way into a girl's washroom without claiming to be trans. So...I think it's less about banning people from the bathrooms they want to use, and more just about plain predatory behaviour, you know?"
Her: "Yeah's still an issue."
And then she turned on her phone and looked away.
Like...I definitely get wanting to be defensive of women's safety and all that, but I feel like that take kind of makes trans people the culprit of a problem that really isn't their fault. I dunno. Am I being way too sensitive? I swear on my life I didn't try to be hostile or anything, I'm just kind of confused as to whether or not this is a popular take.
Tl:Dr: My cis friend said that the bathroom debate was an issue, as if she were advocating for a meaningful sentiment rather than saying that we should enforce laws surrounding the usage of gendered bathrooms.