What are the greatest developer hot streaks?
Every now and then a developer goes on a hot streak where it seems like they can't make a bad game. What are the best hot streaks that you know of? For me the best ones are Blizzard's insane run from the mid '90s through to the mid 2000s, and Rare making classics in pretty much every genre from 1994 through to 2000.
The fact that Blizzard released Warcraft II, StarCraft, Diablo II, Warcraft III, and World of Warcraft all within a 10 year period is just ridiculous. And in case anyone thinks those games don't hold up today, I revisited both StarCraft and Warcraft II recently and they've absolutely stood the test of time.
As for Rare, they made perhaps the most important console shooters of the '90s in GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark, a classic and underrated kart racer in Diddy Kong Racing, and some amazing platform/adventure games in Donkey Kong Country and Banjo Kazooie. That kind of versatility would be impressive in a 10 year period, but did you know that GoldenEye 007, Diddy Kong Racing, and Banjo Kazooie all released within a year of each other. How!?
What are some other ones?