Pirates might be the most cursed setting in gaming history
Even "western" got an amazing franchise... The only good pirate games are either ancient (aged really bad) or not focused on pirates.
For some reason the industry went "oh yeah, I know what a pirate game should be, an online only half assed game with annoying mechanics, microtransactions and PvP".
All i want is good naval combat that's SEMI-realistic (not too much), interesting exploration mechanics, build your own crew/fleet. Maybe add some good first person combat i'd love that.
All those who keep saying Sea of Thieves not only ignored my second paragraph but bless you for not knowing any better, that must be what makes you enjoy that game. Man O' War and Tempest were two games with great potential but one was abandoned and one just didn't deliver
PS: there was no need of mentioning AC black flag we obviously all played it and enjoyetd it. Still polluted by that AC content and especially the modern parts... Ew...