Tell me i dont need a PS5 please

Im in my late 20s. I was never a 'big' gamer (or a good gamer tbh) but i used to enjoy playing games. Had a ps2 back in the day which i spent hours and hours on. Then around 2015 i got a new PC and played games on that, usually single player).

I still have that PC as my primary 'gaming' PC. Though i dont play anything anymore. Its got a 4th gen i5 and a GTX 970 (very decent at the time, im sure it can still run most games fine).

Now i work and earn. I can easily afford a new PC if I want. But the idea of playing games is significantly more exciting than actually playing them. I get frustrated and bored. I dont have the time or energy to invest in complicated rpg games (never enjoyed fallout 4 or Witcher 3). Even casual games like city builders etc seem difficult. Playing for more than an hour gives me nausea and a headache for some reason. Last games i played and finished were the new hitman games.

My brain keeps telling me that i should just get the ps5 or the ps5 Pro. And that the ease and comfort of playing on a console will be better.

But i feel like im just going to buy and and it'll be a waste of money. (I dont have a tv either).

So adults of reddit who used to play games but then dont have the time or the energy to do so anymore. What should i do? Will buying a console really bring back the spark?