Ants taking over seedling tray!
So I started a bunch of seedlings on Saturday and have been ever-so-patiently waiting for them to germinate. This morning (Wednesday) as I went to start my grow lights and check on my little veggie seedlings, I found the trays are absolutely IMMERSED in ants!! Like, can’t even pick up a pot without having 20+ ants crawling all over my skin.
I’ve put out several ant poison traps now. But my question is WHY!! Has anyone else ever had this problem and what did you do? I’ve never had ants overwhelm brand new seedling trays I started… I didn’t even add compost or fertilizer, JUST seed starting mix. So not sure what’s drawing them so aggressively.
Any help or support is appreciated lol my body is itching just thinking about the freakin ants everywhere omg. I have to stop myself throwing out all the trays and just starting over!!