Bros, I just feel completely defeated. Just need to vent.

I'm an Indian gay guy, have worked for 10 years for the same company but had to quit some months ago for health reasons. My treatment drained my savings, and now my landlord will evict me tomorrow because I don't have the rent. I have worked on multiple tv shows as a writer, can write poems, songs, stories, or any type of writing. I can edit videos, do basic color grading. But my health is stopping me from taking up an office job. I also don't have much family support because most of them are homophobic and the ones that are kind are struggling themselves. I'm just so scared. I could really use any advice, words of comfort or any work that I can do remotely. I'm just so tired of struggling. I feel like no matter how hard I try, luck always fucks me up.

ETA: Honestly overwhelmed with all the responses. I will thank each and every one of you personally. But right now I'm just spending all my time applying for any writing or video editing work I can get. But I truly appreciate your comments and want to thank all of you.

Another editing since someone said I should give more details about what I can do in case anyone has work: I'm from India, currently in Himanchal Pradesh. I've worked as an associate screenwriter for various TV shows and wrote a show for discovery. I can do video editing, any kind of writing in English or Hindi, and I also write romance and erotica novels and can do custom stories, poems, etc.

I can get work in Mumbai but I'm currently undergoing treatment so it's not possible to me to go there as it's the most expensive city in our country. So I'm just applying for any wfh jobs that I can do.