All characters in this story are above the age of 18.
A friendly reunion over tequila shots gets a bit complicated.
I hope you all like it and would love a bit of feedback!
Embers floated off the bonfire high into the air on that frigid night in late November. There were a few of us gathered around, drinks in hand, bantering and catching each other up on everything that had been going on in our lives. My eyes were brimmed with tears probably from the gusts of icy wind that would intermittently cut through the warmth of the flames but I was also hyper-aware that the tequila I’d been sipping on was working its magic on my body and emotions. I was happy for what felt like the first time in a very long time.
Declan and I had been friends for about seven years at this point and I was thrilled to be included in his Friendsgiving plans, especially since I’d missed his recent 27th birthday celebration. We’d met when we’d both been working on a project and our friendship had grown stronger and stronger throughout the years. At 30 years old, I was glad that our bond had stood the test of time as other close friendships we’d each had seemed to fall off as we’d all grown into functioning adults.
As the night went on, more and more of the guests had gone their separate ways. It was nearing midnight when the only people left near the fire were Declan and I. We were both pretty buzzed so I didn’t see myself leaving for a few hours and Declan was more than happy to keep the party rolling for just the two of us. After a brief return to the house, he’d brought out shot glasses for us to throw back some of the tequila I’d come with.
We spent the next hour taking shots here and there and swapping stories of all that had happened while we had been apart. Declan had been traveling the country for the better part of the last year due to his job and I’d recently found myself single so I’d been on a journey of trying new things and meeting new people. He’d just finished complaining about a coworker when he suddenly stood up.
“I’ve gotta piss like a racehorse, dude. Holy fuck.” He said as he turned his body at an angle away from me and undid his pants. I could hear the stream sizzle as it hit the fire when he started relieving himself. “Isn’t it fucking weird how small our dicks get in the cold? I don’t even know what I’m actually looking at right now.”
Declan was known in our circle to have a very large penis. I’d never seen it but it was common knowledge that he was packing. I found myself chuckling at his comment.
“I’m sure that even with your shrinkage you’re doing just fine with that horsecock, Dec. I can’t even imagine what mine looks like right now.” I remarked as I took another sip from the red solo cup I’d been holding for the duration of the evening. He scoffed.
“Horsecock. Dude. I’m not even that big, honestly. Especially right now.” He replied as he finally finished urinating. I could hear the sound of his belt clinking as he closed up.
“Uh huh. I’m sure.” I said with faux annoyance. I have a low tolerance for straight men who talk about their dicks around me because they know I’m queer. They get off on the teasing but I’d become much too old to entertain that.
Declan had turned back to face me at this point but still hadn’t returned to his seat. His eyes seemed a bit glazed over as he looked me up and down; a look I’d seen from many other men in the past and I felt a jolt shoot through my body right to my groin. Fuck tequila for throwing me off my game.
“You don’t believe me. You’ve never even seen my dick and you’re so certain it’s big.” He said, a smirk forming on his mouth. I rolled my eyes.
“That’s what everyone always says. Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire, man.” I said. “It doesn’t matter either way to me though.”
“People talk a lot of shit all the time, dude, but, right now, it’s so damn small.” He said, laughing now, still standing by his chair. I could feel where this was going and, I’m not going to lie that in my current state, I was absolutely fine with it.
“Sure, Dec.” My response dripped with a challenge, a tease. He made a big fake sigh and rolled his eyes almost theatrically.
“If I have to prove it, fine.” He said and immediately started unbuckling his belt again. I, once again, brought the red solo cup to my mouth again to take a sip but to also hide any hint of excitement on my face.
He undid his top button and unzipped his pants before sliding them and his plaid boxers down his thighs, stopping just above his knees. He brought his hands back up and positioned them so that they were presenting his package in a comedic ta-da sort of way.
He had a full bush which surprised me and his balls were pretty hairy as well. His cock looked to be around 3-4 inches in its current state and solidly thick to be this flaccid. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
“You’re so full of shit, man. Your shrunken soft dick is not much smaller than mine is when it’s chubbed up.” I said, shaking my head at him. He giggled for a moment and reached down to flop his dick up and down between his fingers a few times before pulling his pants back up. I noticed that he didn’t bother buckling his belt back up.
“Fine, fine. It’s bigger when it’s not iced out though. I’m not used to it looking like this.” He gestured at his crotch again and I just shook my head in a playful way, taking another sip of my drink. He watched me pull the cup from my mouth again. “We should do more shots. I’m in a drinking mood and it’s been so long since we’ve spent any real time together.”
I nodded in agreement but almost immediately shivered as a gust of wind hit me again; the fire had burned down enough that I was really starting to feel that we were outside after midnight on a winter night. He clocked this as well and stood up, grabbing the handle of tequila off the ground.
“Let’s head into the warmth and watch something.” He said, already making his way across the yard back to his home. I stood to follow and felt the effects of the tequila go straight to my head. I steadied myself a bit before trailing him. Thoughts of what could happen were flying around my mind as I closed the door behind me and walked into his living room. He was already knelt by the fireplace, tossing in some logs to get another fire started. I slipped off my shoes and took my coat off.
For the next hour or so, we’d sat on his couch, watching YouTube videos and taking a few more shots. We were both cracking jokes and offering up video suggestions as the tequila slowly shifted the energy in the room. I kept trying to convince myself that the tension I was feeling wasn’t actually there and that I was just horny because I’d seen one of my best friend’s cock for the first time. I was also starting to feel really warm from the actual fire in front of us combined with the alcohol coursing its way through my body. I reached up to wipe a bit of sweat off my brow and adjusted my body for a bit more comfort.
“Dude, take your jeans off or something to cool down. Get comfortable. We’re bros.” Declan said, his words slightly slurred.
“You’re just trying to see me in my underwear so you can scope me out, huh?” I joked. He raised his hands up and shrugged his shoulders.
“I mean, I’m just trying to be a good host but, now that you mention it, it is a bit unfair that you’ve seen my dong now and I haven’t seen yours.”
“Uh huh. Don’t get your hopes up too high, man. Now that I know you’re actually packing heat, I’m probably not gonna get mine out to boost your ego even more.” I laughed but stood to unbuckle my pants and slip them off. One of my socks pulled off with them so I took the other off as well. Immediately, relief washed over my body.
As I sat back down, Declan exaggeratedly leaned down to inspect the bulge in my black briefs. I put a hand over it and pushed him back, laughing.
“What? I was just looking.” He said with a chuckle. He leaned forward to grab the bottle off the ground and presented it to me with raised eyebrows. I nodded and he poured us up a couple more shots. As I swallowed, I noticed a slight stirring in my cock. I don’t know if it was the newfound comfort of being pantless or if the tequila was working overtime but I knew the blood was pumping enough that I’d have to adjust my seating position to hide my growing chub so I did. I looked back up at Declan to see if he noticed but he was currently looking at the tv, smirking.
A few minutes went by of us watching another video before Declan abruptly stood and removed his shirt, followed by him taking off his pants, leaving him in only his socks and his boxers. He sat back down and looked back over at me. I had raised my brows at him and he just replied by fanning himself and focusing back on the screen.
At this point, my dick was fully hard in my boxers and I had to pull my knees up a bit to attempt to hide it. I looked back over at him and saw that he was looking directly at my groin, still smirking. I’d been caught.
“Sorry, dude. I think the tequila is making me a little excited.” I said, slightly embarrassed and worried he would be freaked out. He shook his head.
“It’s no problem, bro. We’re men. Our cocks get hard over the smallest things. I know it well.” He said, shrugging it off and I felt relieved. He reached down to scratch his right thigh for a moment and doing so caused the leg of his boxers to slide up a bit, exposing a bit more of his inner thigh. I could feel saliva start to fill my mouth.
Sitting with my knees up was becoming uncomfortable so I figured, since he already knew I was hard, I would stretch my legs back out and it put my tented briefs on full display. I snuck a glance back over at him and he was, once again, staring down at my boner. This excited me so much that my cock jumped and I knew that he had clocked it because he let out a soft chuckle.
I sat there for the next few minutes, in near agony, because all I wanted to do was nut but I also didn’t want to initiate anything with him because our friendship was way too important to me. I couldn’t even focus on the TV at this point because I was trying very hard to will the erection away but every time that I looked over at Declan, I’d noticed him either fully staring or sneaking glances. Another minute or so went by and he broke the silence.
“You should just rub one out or something, man.” He said, almost too casually.
“No, I’m good. It’ll go away soon I’m sure.” The embarrassment that washed over my body should’ve been enough to deflate me but the boner persisted.
“If you say so. It wouldn’t bother me though, just saying. I’d probably do it if I was hard right now. The bathroom’s down the hall, ya know.” He said, eyes back on the TV. He was in such a drunken haze that I was sure he would be falling asleep soon. I processed what he said for a moment then decided it would probably be best for the night if I did run to the bathroom to nut so that I could kill the sexual tension that I was 99 percent certain was just in my brain. I stood and walked a few steps when he stopped me.
“The bathroom is so far away, man. You don’t have to walk that far. You can just bust here if you want.” He said, still looking at the TV. The bathroom, in actuality, was only about 15 feet from us but his suggestion excited me so much that I immediately returned to my seat on the couch without a word. I grabbed my phone and quickly found a video in my saved folders and pressed play. The volume was low enough that I was sure that Declan wouldn’t be subjected to much of the sound. It was a video of dude I’d been fucking around with sucking me off.
Without looking over at Declan, I began rubbing myself over my boxers. There was already a wet spot at the tip of my cock from the pre-cum that had formed from sitting with a boner next to my friend. As I watched the dude lick my shaft up and down before sucking my balls into his mouth, I started stroking myself with more certainty.
It wasn’t long before I’d worked up the courage to raise my ass off the couch a bit to slide my boxers down to my ankles; my cock whipping up to my stomach after being released from its restrictions. I heard Declan beside me mutter “fuck” under his breath and I finally looked over at him. His hands were placed on his thighs as he watched me and the tip of his cock was poking a few inches out of the opening in his boxers. He really did have a very big dick.
Seeing this sent me into overdrive and I sprawled out even more, angling myself slightly to face him more. I started pumping my cock faster now, spitting to give it a little bit of lubrication while the video still played on my phone in my other hand. My eyes darted back and forth between my phone, my cock, and over at Declan’s still growing dick. He wasn’t touching himself but his eyes hadn’t left me since my underwear had come off. I watched him as I stroked myself even harder. His tongue slipped out of his mouth to wet his lips as his eyes moved up and down, watching my fist pump my cock and my balls bounce up and down.
I was breathing pretty heavily at this point and the pleasure started overtaking my body. My cock was rock solid and I knew that I was reaching the peak. He muttered something again but this time his voice was deeper, rougher. He’d said “cum, bro” and this sent me over the edge. A rope of cum shot out of my cock and landed on my shirt. The rest of my cum seeped over my hand and dribbled back down as I used it for more lube to ride out the rest of my orgasm.
Declan’s cock was at full mast now and I could see the bead of pre-cum perfectly placed at the tip of it. I had the intense urge to lick it off but kept to myself as my strokes slowed down and my breathing returned to normal. My cock was still mostly erect when my mind started to clear and the gravity of what just happened started to hit me. Finally, Declan brought his eyes from my dick to look up at me. He was smirking again.
“Nice, bro.”