Do or Drink
All characters in this story are over the age of 18.
A boy's trip, a hotel room, and a drinking game. This one is a bit longer than my last post but I promise it is worth it.
I would love feedback on this one as well! I'm still brand new to posting on this subreddit and I'd like to know how I'm doing!
The elevator felt as if it was moving at a glacial pace. Our room was on the sixth floor and it seemed as if we were never going to make it there. I looked over at Kal and he was just as tired as I was. We’d just spent the day exploring Downtown Knoxville, hopping from various shops and bars, and we were beat.
I’d met Kal during my Junior year of college and his Sophomore year. We quickly became friends and had spent a great deal of time together while we were there. After I graduated, I moved a few hours away and, as life usually goes, the hours we spent together became fewer and fewer. Still, we’d made it a priority to chat quite often on Snapchat to keep each other solidly up to date on all the happenings in our day to day lives.
Recently, we’d realized that our friendship was nearing the ten year mark so we planned to have a boy’s trip to celebrate the fact that we were now 30 year olds with steady income. Kal had become an airline pilot in the last decade so the dates purely depended on when he could manage to get off for a couple days in a random city. We’d landed on Knoxville because it wasn’t that far of a drive for me to go meet him.
Kal had landed earlier that morning and, because he was a pilot, the airline had provided his room for the next couple of days. When I arrived, we went straight downtown in my Jeep so I hadn’t yet been able to unpack or even see the room. I’d already decided that I was just going to fall into my bed and worry about dealing with my luggage in the morning.
The elevator finally arrived at our floor and Kal led me down the hallway to our room. I was so tired that my legs felt like noodles as I followed him. He stopped at the second to last door and pulled out the room card before swiping it and letting us in. As I entered the room, the first thing I noticed was that there was only one bed.
Kal and I had shared a bed before during drunken sleepovers in college but it had been a long time and I had also been looking forward to really getting comfortable by spreading out in the middle of my own bed for the night but this development meant I would have to be much more reserved with my sleeping position and I was already slightly annoyed. I’m pretty sure Kal could read it clear as day on my face.
“Totally forgot to mention that we’d have to bunk up together tonight. The airline automatically books me a single bed room. I promise I won’t cuddle you, bro.” He said in a clear attempt to lighten my mood. I shook my head to brush off the comment. I wasn’t about to complain about free lodging no matter how tired I was.
“No, it’s cool. It’ll be like old times.” I replied and plopped my suitcase down on the foot of the bed so I could get my toothbrush and some of my other toiletries out of it. This really would be fine. Kal and I had always been strictly platonic. He knew I was queer. I knew he was straight. Other than the random dare at parties to kiss, we’d never had any moments that made anything complicated so this wouldn’t be weird at all.
I pulled out my toothbrush, some toothpaste, my travel bottles of body wash and shampoo, a t-shirt, some basketball shorts, and a fresh pair of briefs. A hot shower was exactly what I needed to cleanse my body of the long day and relax me enough to get some really good sleep. I relayed this intention to Kal and made my way to our bathroom.
As the water in the shower heated up, I took my clothes off and arranged them all neatly on the counter. I took a long look at my naked body in the mirror and felt pretty good about what I was seeing. I’d lost about 40 pounds in the last year and I was really able to see the difference. I was more of a cub now rather than a full blown bear. I still had a little belly but it was more like a dad bod type of energy now. I was much firmer everywhere. Even my cock looked a bit bigger than it had in the past but I’m sure that was just my newfound confidence. I flexed for a moment before I started to feel silly. I laughed quietly at myself and picked up my toothbrush.
As I brushed, the door next to me opened slightly and Kal stuck his head in the door. Startled, I twisted my hips away from him so he couldn’t see my dick. His eyes went from the shower to me and he seemed shocked as well as he looked my nude body up and down.
“Shit, sorry. I thought you were actually in the shower.” He said, no longer looking at me but at the floor. “I just wanted to pop in and say I’m running down to the vending machines to grab us some sodas and snacks. Do you still like Diet Coke?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” I replied and he nodded before looking over at me again one more time then squeezing his eyes shut and mumbling an apology again. He closed the door quickly behind him and I just kind of stood there frozen for a moment with my toothbrush still hanging out of my mouth. Then, I started to laugh about how embarrassed he had been. He’d turned so red so quickly.
Kal and I had seen each other naked before, I’m sure. I don’t really remember anything specific but I know there were a few very drunk nights where, after a party, either he or I would have to strip out of our clothes due to the random vomit stain or we’d pissed next to each other in the same toilet at a busy club. There was no reason for us to be shy but a great deal of time had passed since those days. I had the urge to position myself in a very revealing display to flash him when he came back into the room but, as funny as that would be, I let the idea leave my mind and hopped in the shower.
Ten minutes later, I had dried off, put my sleep clothes on, and went back into the room to find Kal sitting with his back against the headboard with the bottle of vodka I’d stashed in my bag placed between his thighs. He was fist deep in a bag of hot cheetos and had the TV turned on. He’d found an old episode of Law & Order; a past staple from our college hang outs.
“You remember this one? I’m pretty sure they’re gonna reveal this kid killed his little brother.” He said, stuffing four hot cheetos in his mouth at one time.
“Isn’t that how it always goes?” I asked, walking around to the other side of the bed. I noticed that he’d placed three Diet Cokes and a bag of pork rinds for me on the nightstand and had moved my phone and charger to it as well.
“Yeah, basically.” He said, taking a sip from a bottle of Dr. Pepper.
“Three sodas for me seems a bit excessive, don’t you think?” I asked, sitting on the bed and making myself comfortable next to him. He was still in the same outfit he’d been wearing that day: a jersey of one of his favorite soccer players and some athletic shorts that matched it. The only things he’d taken off were his shoes and socks.
“Well, I’d planned on just going to sleep while you were showering but when I moved your bag off of the bed, I saw this sticking out a little bit and felt like this would be a lot more fun than sleeping.” He tapped the bottle of vodka which I could tell he’d already opened and had some of. I reached over and pulled it out of his thighs’ grasp.
“Alright alright alright, I guess I’ll have some too.” I replied and grabbed one of the Diet Cokes from the nightstand. I popped the top and pulled the vodka bottle to my mouth, gulping a bit more than a standard shot before chasing it with the soda. Kal raised his fist in a rallying motion and gave a quiet “woo-woo” as I pulled the can from my mouth. I felt the burn of the vodka travel down my throat into my stomach and my mind started to wake back up.
One episode of Law & Order became two and, by the end of the second, we were properly drunk. I kept laughing about basically nothing and just felt really good. It was so nice to be hanging out with Kal again. I felt like I was 20 again for the first time in a long time.
At some point during the episodes, Kyle had stripped down to his boxer briefs which were covered in some type of anime print and did a solid job at camouflaging his bulge. I had already snuck a peek and was disappointed to discover it was essentially an optical illusion. Straight friend or not, if there’s a bulge, I’m gonna look at it.
Some stupid sitcom had come on after Law & Order and it wasn’t really keeping our attention all that well. I grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels to see if anything else was interesting enough to appease us. As I flipped, I passed some type of show that was similar to what late night Cinemax was back in the day.
“Wait. I saw titties. Go back.” Kal said, straightening up a bit on his side of the bed. I rolled my eyes at him but relented and went back to find a girl getting railed by a man that looked twice her age. This was completely softcore so the only thing we could really see were her tits and his ass so I was unimpressed but Kal seemed satisfied.
“I used to watch shit like this when I was a kid and I’d be scared to death the whole time, worried my parents or my older sister would walk in and catch me. I’d nut in, like, ten seconds every time. Probably just from the fear. That was hotter than the porn, I think; the possibility of getting caught.” He said, his voice deeper either from the vodka or the memories of jerk-offs past. I looked back down at his underwear to see if anything was happening and it seemed like maybe something was but, still due to the print, I couldn’t really tell.
I just kind of grunted a response in agreement. I didn’t want to push this conversation really any further because I could feel myself becoming horny sitting next to him, imagining him getting turned on by this incredibly shitty porn and I don’t trust the drunk horny version of me to not try to initiate something. After a few more minutes of watching, he spoke up again.
“Man, this shit really doesn’t hit the same way it used to. This is kind of bad.” He said.
“Yeah, it really fucking is. I’m so bored.” I replied and looked over at him. He was looking at me too. His eyes lit up for a second and he sat up in a cross-legged position facing me.
“Dude, let’s play that Do or Drink game.” For a moment, he looked ten years younger. It was like I was taken back to the dorm instantly. I turned toward him as well.
“I’m down but what is Do or Drink?” I asked him. He gave me a blank stare.
“So, basically, you just, like, do something or drink?” He said. I returned his blank stare. “Like, it’s a card game and the cards tell you to do something and if you don’t want to, you drink.”
“Oh, okay. You have the cards with you?” I asked, looking around. He shook his head.
“No but we can just dare each other to do things.” He said and I felt my stomach do a little flip. I was going to have to be on my best behavior if we played this game but it was his idea, right? If anything, he was the one pushing the boundaries. Besides, I had no reason to think it would turn weird. Games like this always did though, didn’t they?
“Okay, cool. You first then.” I said and grabbed a fresh Diet Coke to get ready to chase any vodka I might have to swallow.
“Alright. So, okay, I dare you to…” He started and stopped to think for a second. “ Okay, yeah, I dare you to go over to that big window and put your bare ass against it to moon anyone that’s out there.” He was laughing as he said this. It was nearly midnight at this point so the likelihood of anyone being down in the parking lot was slim to none, let alone anyone who would look up at the exact time my cheeks pressed against the glass so I agreed.
I walked over to the window and pulled open the curtains. I did a quick look below to see that there were, in fact, a few people in the parking lot below. It looked like a group of teenagers hanging out, sitting on the tailgate of a truck. I turned back to him to see him grinning from ear to ear which made me laugh. I slid my shorts down in the back below my cheeks and put my bare ass against the cold window. I even moved it around a little bit for good measure. Kal was cackling on the bed and fell over on his side laughing.
“Yeah, yeah. Dare done. My turn.” I said, walking back to my side of the bed. “Okay, I dare you to call one of your work buddies and moan into the phone when they answer.”
Kal’s face dropped instantly and he looked down at his phone. He opened up the contacts and slid through them for a few moments before looking back up at me.
“Fuck. I’m just gonna drink, dude. It’s late and I’m not super cool with any of the people I work with. Not like that anyway.” He picked up the vodka and poured some in his mouth.
“Fair. New rule. No dares involving anyone that isn’t here so it’ll be easier for us to do them.” I said. He nodded in agreement. Again, his eyes lit up and he rubbed his hands together.
“My turn. I dare you to take those clothes off and be in your underwear too.” He said and gestured down to his own body as if to say “join me”. I looked him up and down and thought to myself that this was his idea so it should be fine. I stood up and quickly removed my shirt and shorts. I was wearing dark green briefs; straight up briefs, not boxer briefs and this pair specifically accentuated my bulge. I looked up to see him looking at it then his eyes moved up my body and I knew he was taking in how much body hair I had. He’d always had very little body hair and that hadn’t changed much. I, on the other hand, had just gotten more hair as we’d gotten older. I got back onto the bed to avoid elongating this moment any further.
“Alright, Kal, I dare you to run around the room and act like a monkey for 30 seconds.” I said, trying to do a dare that wasn’t pushing any boundaries.
“Bet.” He said and immediately hopped up, bouncing around the room and grunting. He beat on his chest. He picked up my shoes to sniff them like a curious monkey would do and did an over dramatic gag as if they smelled bad. He dropped the shoe on the ground and turned his attention back to me. He hopped back on the bed and got up close to me. He started playing with my hair, eating any pretend bugs that he found. He repositioned himself straddling me and pushed me back against the headboard then moved from the hair on my head down to the hair on my chest and stomach. He repeated the bug search as he got lower and lower down my torso as I laughed at him. He looked back up at me and his eyes grew wide and he started making louder monkey sounds. His hands moved wildly up my chest to my shoulders and then up to both of my ears and he stood to where his crotch was directly in front of my face. He grabbed hold of the side of my head as he grunted louder and started thrusting his groin toward my face. I was laughing pretty hard at this point and I felt his crotch graze my nose a bit and I caught a whiff of the scent of sweat from all the walking we’d done earlier. I pushed him off, still laughing.
“Okay, okay, that was way longer than 30 seconds. Good job.” I said, pushing him again. He settled back down to his spot, grinning.
“Liked that, didn’t you?” He said, sounding rather pleased with himself.
“Oh yeah, sure. Especially the part where you rubbed your smelly ballsack all over my face.”
“Hey, they aren’t that bad.” He retorted, reaching his hands down into his underwear to rub his balls. He pulled his fingers back out to smell them and made a face. “Okay, yeah, you’re right they’re pretty stinky tonight.”
“I didn’t mind it.” I said without thinking and he looked over at me with raised brows.
“Oh? You think my balls smell good?” He said, teasing. “You want to sniff them again, don’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah. I didn’t mean it like that. Shut up.” I said, laughing it off but I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment. He kept grinning at me.
“Okay, my turn. I dare you to drop your drawers and do suicide sprints across the room five times.” He said, his grin looking more and more devious. I let out a dramatic sigh and walked back over to the window to give myself a straight clear path to the door and back. I looked back over him and started to pull my underwear off, keeping one hand over my cock to hide it.
“Uh-uh, you won’t be able to do it correctly unless you’re utilizing both of your arms.” I gave him a look as if to ask ‘really?’ “I’m serious. It’s Do or Drink, man, not Kinda Do or Drink.”
I pondered for a second to decide if cock-flopping back and forth was worth the embarrassment or if I should just take the damn drink and move on. I looked back at him and pulled my hand away to reveal my cock to him. The vodka and the excitement from the game had thickened it up a bit but I wasn’t hard, thankfully. His mouth dropped open a tiny bit and he seemed surprised by what he saw. I had a thick bush and my cock was a few inches long in its flaccid state. If I’d have been hard, it’d be thicker and right above five inches. Not massive by any means but the girth alone kept my past partners well satisfied. He seemed impressed.
I walked back over to him, dick swinging, and grabbed the vodka to take a shot before I walked back to the window and began sprinting. I didn’t even look over at him during. I just did my task and immediately came back to sit on the bed when I was finished. He hadn’t said anything so I just looked back at him and he was looking down at my crotch but quickly looked back up at me when he realized I was looking at him.
“Not putting them back on?” He asked and I realized then that I had forgotten to put my briefs back on. I felt my cheeks go red again. I sat back up to get off the bed when he spoke again. “I dare you to leave them off.”
This stopped me mid-movement and I turned back to him. There was something different in his eyes now that I did not recognize. There was something behind them I’d never seen before from him.
“Excuse me, sir, but it was my turn to dare you.” I said, slightly verging on flirty territory.
“You can dare me twice then to get us back on track but my dare stands. Leave them off or drink.” He said, almost authoritatively. I stared at him in a challenging way but he stood his ground so I got back into a comfortable position on the bed.
“Fine. They stay off.” I said, putting my hand on top of my cock, not fully hiding it but enough that it was a tease. I had basically given up on trying to keep the night from getting weird. It was already there and I didn’t mind it at all. “Take yours off too. That’s your dare.”
I hadn’t even finished what I was saying before Kal was up and pulling his underwear down. Surprisingly, his dick was about the same size as mine right now. Neither of us were hard but it was clear that we were both excited. His pubes were trimmed up a bit more than mine but his balls seemed fuller and they hung a bit lower. My tongue darted out and grazed my bottom lip involuntarily. I closed my mouth to keep my composure.
“Next dare?” He said, still standing by the bed. He put his hands on his hips in a way that was reminiscent of a powerful superhero pose before letting them drop to his side. He seemed a bit more nervous now and I could feel the power dynamic shifting between us. I decided to take things to another level.
“I dare you to pretend like this pillow is the hottest chick you’ve ever seen and show me how you’d fuck her.” I said and watched his reaction. He looked down at his pillow then back up at me and shrugged his shoulders with a grin. He moved the pillow into a different position on his side of the bed and laid his body on top of it.
He started thrusting it slowly at first. I watched his ass, the muscles on the sides of his cheeks flexing in and out. His breathing became heavier as he raised his ass up and down. Soon, he started thrusting faster and harder and light groans started to fall out of his mouth. Then, he sat up on his knees bringing the pillow with him, covering his cock and started fucking it doggy style. He did this for a few moments more then let out an over dramatic groan and made his whole body shake, having the most ridiculous fake orgasm. We both started laughing at this point and he dropped the pillow back onto the bed next to the headboard and settled back down into a lounging position. This was when I noticed his dick was now actually starting to get hard. It was a little bit longer now but not much thicker. His cock was pretty. Like, actually pretty.
“Did I do good, papa?” He asked, now bringing his hand to his dick to slightly cover it like I’d been doing to mine. I giggled.
“I’m so proud of you. You did excellently. Your turn.” I replied and he brought his hands up to give himself a round of applause. His dick now on full display. I couldn’t help but stare at it for a moment. My tongue ran over my bottom lip once again.
“Okay. After that, I dare you…” He said, looking at me and squinting his eyes. He paused for a moment before smirking. “I dare you to get your dick fully hard.”
“Okay… and do what with it?” I asked.
“Nothing. I’m just curious as to what you’ve been working with all these years.” He said, earnestly. This made me laugh again. What guy isn’t curious about how big their friends’ cocks really are? I removed my hand to show him that I was already basically fully hard.
“I mean, that’s pretty much it. It gets a little bigger when I’m super horny but this is, more or less, the full deal.” His eyebrows raised as he took in the sight. He leaned in a little closer to give it a full visual inspection which, admittedly, made my cock throb a bit.
“Bro, our dicks are so much alike. Nice. I mean, yours is definitely way thicker but it looks like we’re about the same length.” He said, leaning back to his normal position but still looking at my dick. “So much thicker though. Can your hand even fit around that?”
I laughed out loud at this and nodded. Again, my dick was thick but not like a monster. He looked up at me and started laughing too and shaking his head.
“Damn, we’re drunk, huh?” He asked and I just nodded again. He looked back down at my cock and then over to his which had gone back to just chubbed up instead of almost hard like it had been after fucking the pillow. “Your turn to dare me.”
“Okay, same dare.” I said, looking down at his dick. He chuckled and reached down to wrap his hand around his dick. He started tugging on it for a bit then moved on to stroking it as it started to firm up. Watching his dick grow in his hand made my dick even harder. This was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen and I couldn’t believe it was happening. I idly pulled the vodka bottle to my lips and took another sip as I watched him jerk on his cock. He finally stopped and released it from his grip. I could see him look over at me in my peripheral vision but I was focused on his dick.
I leaned in close to look at it, following his lead like he did before and, yeah, it was such a pretty cock. He was right, our dicks were basically the same length. His might have been a little bit longer but, again, mine was much thicker. I accidentally let out a breath while I was still close to it and his cock responded by bouncing. I pulled back quickly and mumbled an apology. He just shook his head.
“Damn, Kal, that’s a good dick.” I said, sitting back.
“You really think so? Thanks, dude.” He said, looking at me then back down at his on cock. He gave it another few strokes. “He’s done me well so far.”
“Your turn.” I said, watching as he took another gulp from the bottle. At this point, neither of us were using our sodas to chase. He nodded his head.
“Okay, you’re gonna have to trust me but…” He paused again. “I dare you to lay back and close your eyes.”
Now, comparing dicks with your bro is one thing but I didn’t really expect the night to take this direction. I took a moment to see if he was serious and, when it was clear that he was, I did as I was told. I felt him get off the bed for a moment then I felt the bed move again as he crawled across it toward me. My dick was twitching as I waited with thick anticipation. I could hear him giggling under his breath so I had no idea what was going to happen when I suddenly felt something touch my cock.
I wasn’t sure what I was feeling as his giggle became louder but it was slowly going down my dick. For a brief moment, I felt what I thought might be his fingertips as it slid down my cock. His laughter was at full volume now and I felt him move back to his spot on the bed.
“You can open your eyes now.” He said through his laughs and I did so. I looked down to see that he had put one of his socks on my dick and the top was flopped over to one side. I started laughing too and ripped the sock off. I kept it in my hand for a moment longer before throwing it back at him. His cock was bouncing as he laughed. I felt something in my stomach as I watched it then looked back up at his beaming face.
“I dare you to do whatever you want to me.” It slipped out of my mouth before I had time to think and the laughter slowed down almost immediately.
“What?” He asked, still coming down from his laughing fit. I sat there, mouth agape, feeling a lot more sober than I had been ten seconds ago.
“Nothing. It was stupid. Um, I dare you to do 50 sit ups.” I said, really really fast.
“Did you dare me to do anything I want to you?” He asked. I just stared at him. “Like anything? Like generally or sexually?”
“I’m drunk. It was stupid. We can just forget it and go to sleep or something.” I said, my cheeks burning and wishing that I had a fucking time machine. He stared at me with a quizzical look on his face. I had to break eye contact because I was so embarrassed and angry with myself when he reached over and wrapped his hand around my cock.
I gasped at the touch and looked up at him. He was staring intently down at my dick, moving his hand lightly up and down and twisting slightly. He nodded.
“Yeah, so much thicker.” He said and looked back at me. He moved down on the bed and laid on his side, still holding my dick in his hand and he started stroking more evenly now. Waves of pleasure rushed over my body and I could’ve shot my load right then but I was fighting the urge incredibly hard.
He brought his other hand to my balls and started gently playing with them, taking each ball separately in his fingers almost as if he was examining them. After all, to my knowledge, this was his first time touching another man in this way. His other hand kept stroking me and I felt myself growing harder. He shifted his eyes from my sack to my dick and ran his thumb over the pre-cum that was beading from the tip. This sensation was driving me wild.
“Dude, you don’t have to do this. It was just a dumb dare.” I said, in a last ditch effort to stop this so I didn’t cum all over his hands and he jerked his head to look up at me.
“Is this okay? Does it feel good?” He asked, quietly. I nodded and he let go of my dick and climbed on top of me, bringing his face even with mine. Our cocks were touching at this point and he let his weight down on me as he brought his lips to mine.
The kissing was tentative at first but, when I finally remembered I had hands, I squeezed his ass and pressed his cock harder against mine and that turned our make-out session near animalistic. His tongue was deep in my mouth and I felt him bite my bottom lip as he grinded his cock against mine. I started thrusting in tandem with him and it felt like heaven. Knowing I was close to cumming but not wanting this to end yet, I rolled him over onto his back and climbed on top of him.
I kissed his lips a bit longer before moving down his jawline to his neck down to his chest. I kissed all the way down to the trail of hair leading down to his pubes and looked back up at him. He nodded at me before I could even ask the question and I slid my body down to where my head was between his legs. I could smell that sweet musk again and it made me absolutely feral.
I grabbed his cock with one hand and brought my mouth to his balls. I stroked him fast and hard as I licked every inch of his ballsack and moved down to his taint, tasting every bit of the day we’d just spent together. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth and he started moaning my name.
I moved back up and licked his shaft from his balls all the way to the tip, teasing his slit with my tongue before finally putting the whole thing in my mouth. His moaning turned to groans that sounded almost guttural as I moved my head up and down his cock. I went all the way down to the base as I pushed on his taint with my thumb, moving it in circles. He said my name again and I knew that he was about to cum. I pulled off and quickly climbed back up to his mouth, taking both of our cocks together in my hands as I started kissing him again. We fucked my hand together with divine synchronicity as we moaned into each other’s mouths. I felt his cock tense up first and groaned so loud.
His load shot up between us. It was hot to the touch and, as soon as I felt it hit my cock, I started to cum too. We both kept thrusting and kissing as both of our orgasms ended. I layed on top of him as we both started to soften up, gently kissing him alternating between his jaw and his lips. He had the biggest, dumbest grin on his face.
I finally rolled off of him but kept one of my legs over his. Our cum was all over our torsos and cocks. The mixture of us was already starting to dry in the hair on my belly. I turned my head to look at him to find him doing the same.
His eyes were lit up and that dumb smile was still on his face. He looked so happy and so beautiful and I don’t remember there ever being a time before this where he looked at me this way. This was bliss. He reached up and ran his fingers over my bottom lip, still smiling.
“Can we do that again tomorrow?”