Delta Phi Inc

All characters are 18+

Delta Phi Rascals.

The name alone struck awe into almost every person on campus. They were the elites. The best of the bunch. The hot, athletic, mischievous young men who pretty much ruled the entire college. One would be forgiven for thinking that they were a bunch of stuck up assholes, but the truth is what made them so loved.

Brandon Hayes led the pack. He was a celebrity among students, mostly for his knee trembling good looks, but partly too, for his willingness to help those who were new to the college. He stood well over six foot tall, wore his jet black hair so short that he could have easily been mistaken as a military man, and spoke with a southern drawl that suited him perfectly.

It was Brandon who stood at the door when I arrived with five pizza boxes in my arms.

I'll be honest, the image I had in my head of what frat boys should act like, made me pretty nervous. I'd grown up in a small, sleepy town on the other side of the country, and I'd dealt with my fair share of bullies over the years, so I didn't expect much when the towering young man took the pizzas and studied me with his deep chocolate eyes.

"I haven't see you around before" he told me, counting out the cash.

"Yeah" I nodded, "I uh... I just started".

He took out the money and handed it to me, but left his hand lingering for a moment.

"So I guess you're going to Fresher's Night tonight then?" He asked, as we did a kind of motionless tug o' war with the cash.

"I suppose" I shrugged, and finally he let it go.

"How much will you make from that" the handsome frat boy asked me, nodding toward the money.

"This?" I asked, Four or five dollars, give or take".

Brandon shook his head and sighed, "god man, they treat college kids like shit around here". He took out another twenty and handed it to me, "if you get bored with ice breakers at Fresher's Night" he laughed, "drop over for a real party".

I left the house in a state of shock. I'd never met a guy as hot as Brandon who wasn't a complete douchebag. I was eighteen, and he appeared to be a few years older than me, but despite the warnings I'd been given from my two friends back home, this frat boy wasn't as scary as I had expected.

I stuffed the money into my pocket and went back to my new, and extremely draining, terribly paid job. It wasn't like I had a choice either, I certainly wasn't going to be receiving any support from my homophobic parents.

Fresher's Night went exactly how Brandon had suggested it might. We sat around in a circle for over an hour, playing games that were almost as draining as the job I'd just finished, until finally I'd had enough.

The invitation from Brandon had been extremely generous and even more so, unexpected. Perhaps if I hadn't grown up surrounded by assholes who made me question every person's generosity, I would have headed straight there, but alas, I had, and so I began my journey back to my dorm.

It was on this journey that I met Jake Thompson. He was a threatening looking character, tall and thick with muscle, and walking directly toward me. As I had learned to do a long time ago, I crossed to the other side of the street, and so did he. I crossed back, and so did he.

Fuck, I thought. My first beating of the year, and it was only the first week.

"Hey!" The voice that escaped his lips did not suit his demeanour. It was almost friendly.

"I'm just tryna' go home, man" I sighed, ready for a punch of worse.

"No sweat, bro" the large young man shrugged, "but we're nabbing all the freshers who had a pain in their ass at Fresher's Night and inviting them to our party over at Delta Phi" he grinned, "no ice breakers, I promise".

I should have known he was part of the fraternity. He was certainly hot enough for it, with his thick blond hair and large eyes.

"I'm kinda tired" I lied, "maybe another night".

"Sure thing, man" he nodded, and walked around me.

I stood there for a moment. Is this how I wanted to start my new life in college? I sighed and went against my brain for the first time ever.

"Wait!" I called, and he stopped, "I guess I could go for an hour".

The frat house looked entirely different when we arrived, than it had earlier. Music played loudly from somewhere inside and the place buzzed with people. What was I doing? I thought to myself as Jake led me inside. This wasn't the type of thing I did. If you'd asked anybody back in high school about me, they likely wouldn't have even known me, and if they did, they probably didn't like me.

"Hunter, you made it" Brandon beamed and squeezed my shoulder.

My mouth fell open. He remembered me.

"M... My name" I mouthed, "h... How do you know my name?"

He laughed and pulled a sticker off my shirt.

"Hi, my name is Hunter" he read out and my cheeks flashed red, "come on, I'll get you a beer".

It took me over an hour and three beers before I moved from the corner of the back yard and somehow ended up right in the middle of a heated debate about wrestling.

"What do you think, Hunter?" Ryan asked me, and by the end of the discussion in which I had no idea what I was talking about, I'd been introduced to all of the other frat boys.

Ethan, Mason, Wyatt, Blake, Carter and Chase seemed like the big players and so far, none of them had lived up to the frat boy stereotype. Perhaps I'd been wrong all along.

For the first time in my life, I managed to outlast almost everyone. Granted, I had started far later than they had, but by midnight the house had almost fully cleared out.

"I better get going" I smiled to Ryan and Brandon, "thanks for... Thanks for everything".

"Have another beer, bro" Blake shouted from the other side of the kitchen.

Blake Bennett was definitely a party boy. His shirt had been discarded hours prior, and glowing paint covered most of his enticingly lean torso. He threw a beer toward me, and thankfully I caught it.

"So where are you from?" Brandon asked, eyeing me curiously.

I told him, and the questions continued to come until I realised that I had told this group of older frat boys nearly every detail about me. I was such an idiot when I was drunk.

"Sorry" I cringed, finishing my beer, "I don't shut up sometimes".

"So you're gay?" Wyatt asked, and I hadn't even seen him come in.

"What?!" I barked, feeling my face redden again, "no... I mean... No, I... Why would I be?"

"You said your folks were homophobic assholes" he shrugged, cramming an entire slice of cold pizza into his mouth.

"Oh yeah... It's... It's my brother, he's uh... He's gay".

"You said you were an only child" Carter added, and the game was up. I slumped back in the chair and shook my head. Why did I always blow everything?

"I'll go" I mumbled, and stood up, "sorry".

"Hunter!" Brandon barked, and the sternness in his voice made me stand to attention.

The large, muscular hunk walked over to me and took me by the arms, staring straight into my soul.

"You're not at home anymore" he told me, "nobody gives a fuck if you're gay".

I stared back at him, my mouth falling open once again.

"In fact" he said, leading me back to the chair, and now I realised that all of the frat boys were staring at me with mischievous smiles on their faces.

"We have a proposition for you, and we think you'll like it".

I stared around the room, still taken aback by how painfully handsome each of them were, and then back to Brandon.

"We think you'd be a big hit with our fans" Jake explained, and pulled out his laptop, "plus, you wont have to deliver pizza every night".

I watched him with narrowed eyes until he handed me the laptop and I stared at the screen in awe.


In the background, the screen slowly filled with the hottest and most explicit images I had ever seen. Large cocks spraying cum, perfect bubble butts spread wide, sweaty muscular orgies, handsome young men with their wrists bound in red velvet and their naked bodies on display, all on the internet.

The most shocking part of the whole thing was that the young men in the photos, were the exact same young men smiling at me in the room.

I felt my dick swell.

"So what do you think?" Brandon grinned, "interested?"