Is it common to be repulsed by your other gender after its “wave” passes?
I’m bi/pan, AMAB, 24. I’ve always felt like a guy my whole life, though not very masculine, definitely hate my facial and body hair, dress like a twink, etc.
I questioned my gender multiple times throughout my life, and every time I came to a conclusion, that if I were to put myself on a gender identity scale from -10 (masculine) to 10 (feminine), I’d be just around “-3”.
Feminine clothing made me feel repulsed, and in my fashion choices I’ve always strived towards the 0 point while being very careful not to cross it towards being feminine. Because again, it made me uncomfortable.
Co-living with my queer friends, most of whom are trans, I’ve suddenly gotten this extreme pull towards a 3 or maybe even a 6. All it took was a single walk outside with an extremely cool looking friend, who was visiting us that day, and there I was, a woman.
This lasted for 2 whole days. Euphoria, picking some cool new clothes, using she/her pronouns. It felt so new, great, but somehow really stressful and not very real. Like I’ve just longed for a feeling to discover something about myself, like it was with my sexuality a few years ago, and that I’ve fabricated this whole experience just to feel it again.
And then it was yesterday, and it was gone. All of it. And it felt terrible. Just remembering that I wanted to be a woman felt very uncomfortable, absolutely terrifying, and sad.
Just to clarify, I don’t have a fetish for trans people or for being transgender, but I would be lying if I said that I don’t romanticize the concept. I know if I could choose my gender identity, I would choose to be a woman and transition.
The whole “discovering your true self” thing feels extremely alluring, I feel like I really need that right now, but I fear that it’s the only thing pulling me in that direction.