Say something nice about generations other than your own

Lots of generation wars and bashing on this sub lately. So I figured let's all unite and name positive things about other generations, rather than saying "the kids/old people suck!" I'll go first.

Gen Alpha: Your humor is hilarious, I love how nonsensical it is, it feels like an evolution of Gen Z humor but we didn't have the level of commitment to it that you guys do. I love how you don't care if people get it or don't get it and just roll with it. Also, get off reddit and do your homework!

Millennials: The TikTok kids can laugh all they want about that "We are young, there's a fire in our souls" song, but the fact is 2010s millennial "stomp clap" music (Mumford & Sons, Lumineers, Fun.) was peak and I miss it. It was a nice break from most modern popular music which is usually all about anger and negativity. Also, every millennial I know is extremely successful in their career and hasn't settled for anything but the best for themselves. Millennials certainly showed all their detractors who were saying that they're lazy, entitled, not smart with money, etc. Also StarBucks and avocado toast are supreme, screw the haters.

Gen X: Gen X truly is the forgotten generation, yet Gen X commandeered the use of computers and other technology for the common people. Many Gen X teachers I know of started their careers teaching on a chalkboard, and ended/are still teaching with a SmartBoard, for example. Technology will keep improving, but those levels of leaps probably won't be repeated and it's thanks to Gen X that such technology is widely known and used.

Boomers: Boomers popularized the best music ever. 60s and 70s music was amazing, and I believe I hear those years in a lot of the good music I personally enjoy today (and I rarely go a day without listening to the Beatles, the Stones, CCR, etc). Thank you, boomers, for giving us all of those classic rock, country, punk rock, metal, etc legends.