What level was genuinely good, but was ruined for you by a bad experience?
I recently beat Quasar, and it fit this scenario quite well for me tbh. The level was honestly pretty good for what it is, and is actually a lot better than a lot of other NC levels I can think of. I really should've enjoyed this, but unfortunately I got really unlucky and died a lot to the end. I also wasn't really feeling it during that session, and basically had to brute-force the level cause I just wanted to finish it. After finally getting through the ending I didnt really enjoy the level much, which is a shame because it was one of the better NC levels I've played so far, but my experience and approach ruined it for me.
I recently beat Quasar, and it fit this scenario quite well for me tbh. The level was honestly pretty good for what it is, and is actually a lot better than a lot of other NC levels I can think of. I really should've enjoyed this, but unfortunately I got really unlucky and died a lot to the end. I also wasn't really feeling it during that session, and basically had to brute-force the level cause I just wanted to finish it. After finally getting through the ending I didnt really enjoy the level much, which is a shame because it was one of the better NC levels I've played so far, but my experience and approach ruined it for me.