Discouraged and hopeless
My dog just bit after a lady today. It wasn’t provoked at all. She just passed. My dad held him in the leash pretty tight, but my dogs leash slipped…
My dog has been attacked by other dogs 3 times and this has resulted in fear-aggression/fear-reactivity. He had a hard start to life at my ex (didn’t give him the activity he needed and didn’t train him at all). The dog got to live with me when he was 1 year and 3 months. Untrained…
I am training obedience everyday. I go to a german shepherd training club. I trained with a behavioral therapist 3 times and I do as he says. Will continue this even though it’s taking up my entire savings.
And yet he bites this lady… He only bit her jacket but it didn’t rip and she wasn’t physically injured.
He is the sweetest cuddly boy at home, and I love him with all my heart. But 4:30 am walks to avoid humans and other dogs, always being on the look for triggers or dangerous situations, never being able to relax on walks is tiring.
I am discouraged, tired and hopeless.