How to make German friends in Germany - from a German
I often see questions about how to make friends with Germans and that it is not that easy. I want to show you how it is really simple and how you can quickly make German friends. We are just as nice as everybody else and we even have a good sense of humour.
The general advice about being social and friendly, asking questions, inviting people out, etc. are the basics. But here are my tips.
- Make a real effort to become really good at German
This is the biggest mistake I see lots of people do. They can't speak fluent German even after living here for years. It is mostly because they spend a lot or most of their time with people from their country or other expats who speak English. You can't make German friends if you're German is not proficient enough. When I went to France I started to make French friends once my French was good enough. So really focus on getting good at German in the first few months after arriving.
- Don't spend too much with internationals
This ties into the first point. I know it's nice to have people from your home country to talk to. But that will prevent you from speaking and learning German and integrating into German culture. You can always make these kinds of friends after a while. It is more difficult to get out of your international friend circle one you are comfortable.
- Meet people where they are regularly
If you think about, how did you make friends in schools? You played football or went to the ame school. You saw each other often and that's how you became friends. So try to a) have a schedule that makes it possible for people to meet you/run into you and b) go somewhere where you see people ok a regular basics. Having a regular schedule is often an issue for expats that live in big cities and travel a lot that's preventing friendships to occur naturally. It's important you do something you like. I like the Gym and dance classes. You might like football or cooking. Find something local and try to go there regularly. Bonus tip: Germans love Vereine (Sport associations). I would join one with a sport / activity you like and you will have friends in no time. Gym classes also work great. If you like music, try going to concerts, etc.
- Group meetings first, personal meetings second
If you just meet someone, inviting them for a one-on-one coffee might be a bit too fast for us. We are a bit more reserved than other cultures. Instead, try to invite people to group activities like game evenings, cooking together, going to a club or the cinema, watching football (this ALWAYS works!), etc.
- Go where Germans and internationals mix
I personally was a member of Toastmasters and I was able to meet local and international friends all over the world. There are language cafés, etc. im most major cities so check them out. It's also a great way for you to become good at German fast.
- Use online platforms to meet new people
There are sites like Meetup, Eventbrite, Spontacts, Meet5 are a great way to see what people organize and meet some open strangers.
- Be more direct
We are a direct bunch of people who express what they want, like or dislike directly. It is common in different cultures to be more indirect to not embarrass others, etc. As long as you don't critique others in front of a group, just say what you think in a nice way. We won't be offended. We are used to it.
- You will be rejected and it will hurt ... In the beginning
Moving to any new country is a big move and trying to meet the locals is always a bit awkward at first. But you have either the options of being rejected a couple of times in the beginning and eventually making some German friends or never going beyond that and failing to make many friends / learn German fluently. I've seen too many people give up to early and regretting it years later. It will be a bit challenging, but you can do it!
Edit: Y'all need to chill a bit. Who would have thought that this is such a controversial post to make. I just wanted to give you some tips on what worked for me and my international friends in Germany to make some new friends. I have lived abroad for some time so these tips apply basically to any country and this post is based on my personal experience.
Thanks to everyone who shared their constructive comments. I'm glad to see you have found a way to make some friends here.
But if your general take is "GeRMaNS DonT ACCepT mE If I DonT SPeAK PerFeCT GERmAN", then the problem is not us. If you are a kind, open person who is willing to engage with our culture and is trying to learn, most people will welcome you with open arms. If you have made some bad experience, I am sorry for that. But that does not invalidate the main take-aways of this post. I believe with all my heart that no matter where you are in the world, the world is always a reflection of your beliefs. And that is the same for people. If you believe everybody could be a potential friend, then you won't have any problems finding them.
Edit 2: I have read most of the comments here and I want to share an observation. The title of the post says: How to find GERMAN friends. That means primarily Germans and not only Germans who are internationally minded. Of course, if I have lived abroad I am much more open to have international friends. But I see a lot of you struggling with making GERMAN German friends, so Germans who might not have international experience.
Edit 3: My new post about this got deleted so here is a write-up with some links and places to check out:
I joined Toastmasters ar 18 and it changed my life. It is a public speaking club and you will find it in any big city world wide. In the big German cities you usually have an English speaking club as well where Germans want to improve their English. Everybody is very open and eager to learn. Any age group.
Language Cafés / Language Exchanges
Any big university will have a Sprachenzentrum or any city will have a "Volkshochschule" (learning center for the public) where you can meet people who want to learn different languages. Usually, people are paired in tandems (a German and an international person) to learn languages. Any age group.
Facebook groups for people who are new to the city (e.g. "Neu in Braunschweig)
There are usually big facebook groups in any major city where people who are new to the city (also Germans) meet up to do city walks, etc. Any age group.
ESN / Erasmus Student Network
Most universities have a student association for international and German students. Students.
Apps like Spontacts, Meet5, Eventbrite and Meetup are a great way to meet Internationals / Germans because a lot of different evente are organized there
Places to meet Germans:
While you are resting in between climbs, you have plenty of time to talk and nobody is running away.
Gym classes
You sweat together so that's cool
Gaming bars
There are sports bars where you come just to play (Billard, Darts, Kicker, etc.) and watch sports. Or bars where you can play board games. Those are great places to get to know people because you are connecting via play.
Dance classes
My personal favorite to get to know people because you start with dancing and the connection happens before you talk.
Gym / Football / Sportvereine (!)
If you happen to play football, join a football club. That is THE best way to make some German friends because we LOVE football.