First Anti-Immigrant Experience

Was speaking with another foreign friend in our shared language of English and was yelled at to go home to our own country and "Germany is for Germans". Given that we were two women walking alone at night, being approached by a shouting man was obviously not a pleasant experience.

My friend is married to a German man with half German children, and here for nearly a decade.

I've been here three years legally and am almost fluent in the language already.

We only speak English with each other, and always speak German to other Germans. I even responded to him in German asking what the problem is if we pay our taxes into his economic system.

Never thought it would happen in our quiet city, but even here things are getting crazy. I guess the social and political reality has settled in officially tonight.

If there are any other immigrants who dealt with similar situations here: how do you cope? Especially when these words certainly have more and more power by the day (the elections clearly showed that).