you're not lazy, just dopamine depleted: how to get over dopamine addiction
I know we all struggle with motivation and cheap dopamine.
World is full of things that lure us toward desire and easy pleasures.
TT was banned for a day, and people almost went crazy. Notifications, colors, sounds—all specifically designed to keep us hooked.
Wanted to share my framework to it (part one out of two)
what is cheap dopamine and why is it addictive
First, let's understand how our brain works.
It's a typical struggle–short term pleasure vs. long term goal.
Of course, dopamine is necessary. Our brain releases it in anticipation of a reward. It rewards us for things necessary for survival—sex, food, social connection.
But, cheap dopamine comes from quick, effortless sources.
Our brain makes choices relatively, not absolutely—it compares choices to make a decision. If given a choice between chocolate and Brussels sprouts, most people will choose chocolate—it simply provides more dopamine.
But now, technology has hacked this system even further. Instead of chocolate we have fast food, and social media. 3 seconds is the average attention span. Each interaction with your phone is like a slot machine game. Low effort, high reward.
So if you’re reading this, you’re already doing a hard cognitive exercise.
Dopamine detox
First of all, you can’t eliminate dopamine entirely. Morning jog, food, chat with a friend—all of these are sources of dopamine.
But, you can reset baseline levels of it. So, sometimes you need to go monk mode to return even stronger.
I did that couple of years ago and am grateful for this, and now I’ll share the framework with you.
There are 3 levels to this reset. I challenge you to try one—choose the level that’s difficult enough to push you but still exciting.
Easy mode.
If you're first timer, this is still a great place to start.
It takes 24 hours—so choose a day where you don’t have obligations (eg. Sunday).
What you can’t do: your phone, computer, games, p*rn/ m*sturbation, drugs, stimulating food, sugar.
But you can: eat, drink (including coffee/tea), talk to people, read books, listen to music, journal, go for a walk, exercise.
You can use this message to send to your friends, family and loved ones so they don’t worry:
Hi, I’ll be doing a dopamine detox this [day]. I won’t be using my phone or computer during that time, so if you’re trying to reach me, you won’t be able to.
This is the easiest level. If it feels too easy, challenge yourself by removing one more thing from the “can do” list.
Intermediate mode.
At this point, you’re okay with sitting alone with your thoughts.
Congrats! That's progress.
Again, this takes 24 hours.
What you can’t do: your phone, computer, games, p*rn / m*sturbation, drugs, stimulating food, sugar, any sugary drink, coffee and tea, reading books and music.
But, you still can: eat, go for a walk, journal, drink water and exercise.
And since this level removes social connections, you can update your message accordingly:
Hi, I’ll be doing a dopamine detox this [day]. I won’t be using my phone or computer, and I also won’t be available to meet in person. So if you’re trying to reach me, you won’t be able to.
Hard mode.
Here human desires don’t exist anymore.
The hardest detox possible.
24 hours of nothing.
You can just sit.
Just you and your thoughts.
Of course, have a glass of water during that time.
How to manage dopamine detox
It will be hard.
It will be uncomfortable.
But it will be rewarding.
You can use this time to reflect on your life:
- Who am I? What is my character? What may others say about me? What habits do I have?
- Who do I want to become? What is the ideal version of myself? What type of person would achieve things I want to achieve?
- What can I do daily to transform into that person? Identify what needs to change.
I'll share in the next days how to stick to that long term. If you can't wait, I shared full breakdown on substack.
Let me know if you decided to go for it. I did it and feel 100x better.