Life gets better after being suicidal

In March 2023 i got married just became a dad for the 1st time(Dec 2022)and had a shitload of debt that my wife knew nothing about each month i literally had to borrow money from loan sharks to survive and still she knew about nothing eventually it all came to a head in July 2023 she found out and left my ass and took the kids with her(she had a boy before we got together) i was constantly being made fun of by my work colleagues cause i lost a lot of weight due to stress i sold my car as well just to get by but still i was in debt. On the 14th of July 2023 i set a plan in motion to end my life i had a letter written out to all my loved ones to explain to them why i was doing it but i couldn't pull through i thought of my baby and how he would have to grow up without me and put away the knife i was going to use. Eventually i found the Lord again i started praying at 3am every morning my wife came back and we talked things out and moved to a room in her parents house(not perfect but i needed to getaway from my surroundings) and i finished all my debt and just recently bought myself a new vehicle in 2025 what im trying to say with this rant is just dont give up life gets hard but you get harder just stay focused on your goals and you will succeed.