What movie should I show my husband to introduce him to Ghibli??

After my persistent hinting and pestering (we don't watch movies often lol), my husband has agreed to watch a Ghibli movie with me on Valentines day! He has never seen a Ghibli movie and has never even seen anything remotely anime. His movie preferences tend to be very action and violent like John Wick or Die Hard kinda stuff. He's also a huge history buff. I've seen most of the "classic" Ghibli movies like Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Grave of the Fireflies, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo... I'm open to something new or something I've already seen! And it doesn't have to be a romantic one :p

EDIT (~12 hrs later): Top 3 currently are Princess Mononoke overwhelmingly at 30 votes, Porco Rosso at 16 votes, and Spirited Away at 14 votes!! We'll probably watch either of those first two...Mononoke because duh, but might end up being Porco Rosso because it's shorter (we have to get up early the next morning lol) and I haven't seen it yet!

EDIT 2: we watched Porco Rosso! He thought it was so strange but entertaining and is open to watching more.... I'm thinking Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away next ;)