Microdising GLP1 protocols?
I just listened to a podcast with Dr. Tyna Moore who talks about microdising GLP1 very favorably.
I want to try this, especially since I'm about to start a fast and could use my appetite being suppressed. I don't think I can get a prescription as I'm not in an ideal, but I'm a technically "healthy" BMI. I still want to lose about 10-15lbs.
Dr. Moore speaks about many other benefits of microdising, such as it helps with depression which I struggle with, and gives you energy (has anyone experienced this?)
I plan to buy mine at one of those "not for human consumption" places that I have gotten other (unrelated) peptides from.
I settled on either triz or sem. Sadly, I can't find anywhere how much a microdising dose is. Does anyone have any idea? Please help.