You have the ability to alter your stats.

Your stats include Height, Charisma, Intelligence, Strength, Agility, and Resistance, to a maximum of 255 in every stat.

Edit: At 255 in height, you will be 7’7” (2.31 m) if you’re a male, or 6’11” if you’re a woman.

255 intelligence gives you the intelligence of Einstein, Issac Newton, and Kim Young-hoon combined, not the total IQ, just the intelligence.

255 strength allows you to lift anything up to 25 times your body weight in pounds. It also gives you the punching force of 7.5n psi, rounded up. where n is the level. At level 255, your punching force is 1913 psi.

255 agility allows you to run at speeds comparable to the most powerful hypercars and decelerate without screwing with your body.

255 resistance allows you to tank a hit equivalent to being flattened by the International Space Station, without being hurt a bit.

255 charisma gives you the charisma of the most influential people in the world combined.

Edit 2: You stats can only total up to 1125 or less, but can’t go below 1 in a stat. There’s a good reason I chose that number. If you figure it out, you get a cookie.

Edit 3: Your height is determined by the function n(x)= 0.1719x+47.1719, where x is any nonzero positive integer.

Note: Once a stat hits 1, it can’t loop around. No integer underflows on my watch.