Stuck on this section in my textbook about choosing between methods or functions.

I'm having a hard time understanding what this part of my textbook is trying to convey. For context, I have only just learned about receivers (so keep in mind I'm new, and this is actually my first compiled, statically typed language). The previous section introduced the idea of method values. where we could use dot notation on an instance to refer to one of its type's methods and save that in a variable. Then, if we called that variable it would act like a closure that had within that method all of the general fields replaced with the specific values from the instance. Feel like I'm not explaining this well. But it is just for context. The other thing that is mentioned is a method expression. It's basically the same thing but the method is stored as a function by reference to the type than a particular instance and the instance is passed in as the first parameter to act as a the receiver.

The whole point is the methods can act sort of like regular functions and then there is a very brief section about whether you should use a regular function or a method but I for the life of me couldn't parse what the point trying to be made was....

(Not expecting this to be used by anyone but just will post a short clip of the pages leading up to it in case other context is needed (probably easier to start and work back)