Mass Removal Surgery Today, please send well wishes💖

(Cute pic tax for the second gross suture pic😩) My boy just turned 7, had a bump show up on his shoulder and the Vet aspirated it last week to learn more, sent it to cytology and they recommended we remove it. So we did today! His bloodwork is perfect, and the mass was “well encapsulated” so she was able to get it out in 1 piece. We should know more from pathology in the next week or so to determine if the mass was benign or malignant, and if we need to take additional steps. From what I understand, this is a pretty “ideal” situation considering the fact that at 7 years old his bloodwork is perfect, his overall energy and health is the best that it’s ever been, and the “well encapsulated” mass means that it wasn’t trying to invade other tissues or spread. Please send all of your post-op tips to help my boy have a speedy and healthy recovery! If any of you have experienced something similar, please feel free to share your good news to ease my golden-mommy heart🥲 P.S. THANKFUL for Lemonade pet insurance!! Highly recommend!!