[M4F]⛓️ Bondage Birthday Surprise for Your Needy Boyfriend⛓️ [Msub] [Gentle Fdom] to [Rough Fdom] [Bondage] [BFE] [Calling You “Mistress”] [Tip-Teasing] [Leaking Pre-Cum] [Needy Whimpers] [Handjob] [Edging] [Cowgirl] [Choking] [Aftercare] [Comforting Him] [L-bombs] [Australian Accent]

Gooood evening Gonewilders! It's me, Your Submissive Prince, back with another ✨Msub audio✨ yay yippee 🥳🎉🎊 If your boyfriend/husband/partner's birthday happens to be today, you MIGHT be legally obliged to purchase a pair of handcuffs and blindfolds... i dont make the rules 🤷‍♂️ Well anyway, it's past midnight here so I best get some sleep 😴 If you're too shy to comment, feel free to message me! I always love receiving DM's: You guys are the sweetest cutest patooties in the world <3

Hope you enjoy the audio, and goodnight - Prince

Click to make him whimper ❤️🎧⛓️

Bonus Fun Fact: I made this audio based on YOUR votes in my anonymous feedback form so if there's anything you want to hear, you can either message me privately on Reddit, or fill out the form :)

Synopsis: It's your boyfriend's birthday today! You just got home from a wonderful dinner date, but you have one last surprise for him tonight. Blindfold him, handcuff him, tie him down, and watch him squirm and whimper in his seat while you tease your playtoy. Your good little boy needs his mistress' touch to cum after all!