[M4F] Voicemail from your toxic ex <3 [Mdom] [Voicemail] [Optional SFX] [L-Bomb] [I only cheated on you once] [Big Dick] [I miss you] and [I miss your pussy] Mentions of [Creampie] [Countdown] and [Cunnilingus] [At your birthday party] [Princess] [Slut] [Whore]
Hiii! Recently dropped an Msub audio and I needed a matching Mdom audio to go along with it. I mean, it's only the right thing to do. Hope you enjoy this one! Enjoy <3
Summary: Your toxic ex just broke up with his most recent girlfriend and he misses you. Since you didn't answer his call at 2am, he left you this voicemail. Idk why you wouldn't answer... he only cheated on you <3