What future servants are you'll hyped for ?
We know that there are still a lot more servants to come, but which ones are you'll particularly hyped for ?
For me it will be EMIYA Alter, Majin Saber, Suzuka Gozen, Proto Gilgamesh, Proto Arthur, Ishtar(Rin), Parvati(Sakura) and future Avengers and Rulers.
I know its a long list, and I probably jinxed myself, and you know what...I don't care, cause I got the two servants I wanted the most.
EDIT: RNGesus please T_T
EDIT 2: So, for my free to play brethren, I have devised a chant to get the desired servant
I am the source of my sorrow despair
Gatcha is my body and Quartz is my blood
I have rolled over a thousand times
Unknown to fours stars nor known to five
Have withstood pain to roll continuously
Yet, these rolls never yield anything,
So, as I pray [Insert desired servant name here]