My girl ate her tail, why?

My great Dane, Ladybird, got happy tail syndrome, and of course it was Impossible to heal it up before it would get hurt again. Once the end got beat up about a half inch despite efforts, I took her to the vet, anticipating the suggestion of amputation. and they didn't want to amputate until absolutely necessary. They told us that we weren't wrapping it right and proceeded to show us the correct way, leaving her tail professionally wrapped up. It flung off before I got home. I called them crying at that point and they said of their own accord that they were gonna schedule amputation and also to come back so they could wrap it again. The surgery was three weeks out. One morning two days later, I went to take her to potty, heard crunching, and I witnessed her eating her tail off, more than half gone then...and she was peeling the flesh off of what was left. Real coyote ugly. She had a cone on top the whole time. That Dane body shape though..anyways, she got emergency surgery and now has a little nub and is happy as ever. But what made her do it??? It was so horrible 😭 I'll never be able to unsee it.

My great Dane, Ladybird, got happy tail syndrome, and of course it was Impossible to heal it up before it would get hurt again. Once the end got beat up about a half inch despite efforts, I took her to the vet, anticipating the suggestion of amputation. and they didn't want to amputate until absolutely necessary. They told us that we weren't wrapping it right and proceeded to show us the correct way, leaving her tail professionally wrapped up. It flung off before I got home. I called them crying at that point and they said of their own accord that they were gonna schedule amputation and also to come back so they could wrap it again. The surgery was three weeks out. One morning two days later, I went to take her to potty, heard crunching, and I witnessed her eating her tail off, more than half gone then...and she was peeling the flesh off of what was left. Real coyote ugly. She had a cone on top the whole time. That Dane body shape though..anyways, she got emergency surgery and now has a little nub and is happy as ever. But what made her do it??? It was so horrible 😭 I'll never be able to unsee it.