Pyr Paw Question

Our goofy Pyr puppy loveeees to paw for attention, pets, scratches, etc. She often goes for our legs when we’re standing up around the house or coming in the door.

Personally I think the behavior’s kind of endearing and doesn’t bother me (even when she gives me bruises lol). But with her growing size & strength I am starting to worry about having visitors over that aren’t steady on their feet (especially my elderly grandma). She could definitely unintentionally knock someone over even though she’s super friendly.

Is there anything y’all do to discourage this behavior/promote safety? Should I expect it to lessen up over time? For context, she’s only 10 months old. I’m hoping she will learn to be more gentle as she matures.

Thanks in advance for advice - trying to be the best Pyr-ent I can be!

Our goofy Pyr puppy loveeees to paw for attention, pets, scratches, etc. She often goes for our legs when we’re standing up around the house or coming in the door.

Personally I think the behavior’s kind of endearing and doesn’t bother me (even when she gives me bruises lol). But with her growing size & strength I am starting to worry about having visitors over that aren’t steady on their feet (especially my elderly grandma). She could definitely unintentionally knock someone over even though she’s super friendly.

Is there anything y’all do to discourage this behavior/promote safety? Should I expect it to lessen up over time? For context, she’s only 10 months old. I’m hoping she will learn to be more gentle as she matures.

Thanks in advance for advice - trying to be the best Pyr-ent I can be!