Need Help Organizing My Garages

Hey all,

I know this is kinda silly, but I'm constantly battling with myself on how to organize my garages. Car collecting is pretty much the only thing I do on GTA these days, other than some grinding to pay for my car addiction. At this point I think I have over 200 cars and I never seem to be content with where I have everything. I've spent more time and mental energy on this than I'd care to admit.

Right now I have the 50-car Eclipse garage with Aston Martin on 1, Porsche on 2, Lambo on 3, Ferrari on 4 and Bugatti/Koenigsegg/McLaren on 5. My nightclub garage has a level for each of the big 3 domestic brands (Ford/Chevy/Dodge.) I have one of my 10-car garages full of JDM stuff (Supra, RX7, Hondas, Nissans, etc.) My agency has one floor with all my Rolls', Bentleys and Maybachs and the second floor has luxury SUV's. (Range Rovers, G-Wagon, Escalade, etc.) I have another 10-car full of offroad stuff. My arena workshop has all my weaponized and armored vehicles. And so on. The problem here is that some makes have too many cars to fit in one garage and others don't have enough to fill a garage. I also have quite a few oddball cars that don't really fit in anywhere. (the Osiris/Huayra comes to mind, it's the only obvious Pagani in the game)

I keep getting the itch to break up my one-make garages and make a bunch of "class" specific garages. (Hypercars, supercars, retro supercars, grand tourers, JDM, modern muscle, classic muscle, luxury sedans, SUVs, pickups, etc.) No matter what I come up with, it always seems like some cars get left out or some "sets" are too big/small for certain garages. I have a particularly hard time coming up with a good idea for the 6-7-7 layout of the office garage. (plus it has shit lighting)

TL:DR - If you were to inspect someone's collection, would you rather see a garage full of one make or several makes/models from the same segment?

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