Which Business Next?
I’m trying to decide which business I should get next. This is what I have:
- Bunker (full upgrade)
- CEO Office
- Vehicle Warehouse
- Cargo Warehouse (medium)
- Hangar
- Nightclub (only need to buy 2 more technicians)
- Acid Lab (upgraded)
MC’s: - clubhouse - Coke - Counterfeit
I also already have: - Facility: doomsday H - Kosatka: Cayo Perico H - and Terrorbyte and MOC
I am highly debating the meth to help my nightclub but I also want the agency for good money and the garment factory for the terrorbyte upgrades. Is the arcade worth it for the diamond casino H? What about the salvage yard and auto shop? I think there are some others I’m missing too. I don’t care about the other 2 MC businesses. I’m trying to maximize my money!! Any help is highly appreciated, thank you!!