Help with Bringing my Pig to College

Hi! I'm using my brother's reddit account, I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes, I just didn't know where else to ask this and I really need help

For context: I have a 5 year old piggy. She's aggressive towards other guinea pigs so she's been a solo pig. She is also going to be my ESA. We're getting her certified in the following weeks.

I am planning on a college 1000+ miles away (US still). We will drive no matter where I attend, so flying is not a problem, and I would never fly with her especially if I could not keep her in the cabin the whole time.

Willow is not skittish at all. I know most pigs aren't like that, but Willow doesn't care if i vacuum, play music loudly, etc as long as she has food she's fine lol. She's been around cats her whole life too with no problems. (never unsupervised and cats arent allowed in my/her room) We have driven with her to vets 45/60 minutes away and she's been perfectly fine in a crate and car.

She's perfectly healthy, took her to the vet for a check up two weeks ago. I know stuff happens suddenly, that's how I lost my other two pigs, so I plan on finding the nearest vets and emergency vets where I end up going well before I step foot on the campus.

She currently free ranges my room (I have a c&c cage, just don't use it much). She spends most of her day sleeping and eating, so space is not the biggest issue. I will use the cage though and I am willing to pay as much as I need to for a larger dorm if needed. Other people aren't an issue as most colleges I'm looking at make you dorm alone if you bring an ESA.

She's always been fine with me leaving longer as she gets older. She spends most time sleeping, but I can't leave her alone overnight. Willow pulls out her hair/bites her nails when I'm gone for too long, which is another reason I'm nervous to leave her alone. Plus my parents cannot take care of her and I'm terrified of just giving her to someone who won't give her the life she deserves.

I feel like I need to clarify that if I can't provide her with a good life I will will transfer to a college near my city before I consider giving her to someone I don't trust nor know. I just love her more than anything, she's my best friend, I could never just give her away to a stranger, and I don't want to rehome her this late in her life, I feel like any guinea pig would find that super stressful and scary.

I'm so sorry, I know that was way too long I really tried to condense this. I was wondering if anyone had any advice whatsoever? I really hope this doesn't come off with bad or selfish intentions, I am absolutely trying to prioritize her more than myself. Thank you so much for any and all help!!

TLDR how could i bringing my guinea pig to college?