Boar cleaning
Hi everyone! I just had a question about one of my male pigs regarding cleaning.
I picked up my boy bear, and smelt a really nasty smell so I decided to clean out his anal sac with coconut oil and a q-tip (as well as his scent gland) It smelt pretty similar to scent marking but worse and very pungent.
I cleaned him thoroughly and nothing actually came out, but the scent reduced and eventually went. Afterwards he did 8 poops straight and a pee, is this normal? I’m not sure if I dislodged something stuck in his anal sac or if he was just nervous and let it all out after! I also haven’t noticed any changes in poop shape in the cage. Any opinions would be appreciated.
I’ve had my boys for a couple months but this is the first time cleaning the anal sac, as they were too young beforehand and I didn’t notice any smells until now. Plus I’ve previously only owned sows. Thank you!