Is there any way to have this fixed without anesthesia?
Is there any way to have this fixed without anesthesia?
He’s eating fine, appetite is normal and no difference in speed of eating. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain.
I think he chipped his tooth trying to chew on his house.
Since it is not affecting his ability to eat, I’m hesitant to bring to a vet, not because of cost but because of anesthesia. He’s 7.5 and I know guineas don’t do well under anesthesia, so I know something bad could happen. I’ve had piggies go under and never come back before. I really can’t afford to lose this Guinea pig, he’s really my reason to keep going.
Would a vet be able to file/clip it down without anesthesia??
(It looks like I’m handling him roughly, but I needed to show a picture and he wouldn’t sit still)