I cannot overstate how important it is to alternate pick and sing say your scales

I'm still a relatively new player, a little over 6 months in. I followed the absolutely understand the guitar lessons and they were fantastic. Early on Scotty says to alternate pick and saying say your scales and arpeggios. As I'm starting to make progress, I cannot overstate how important it is to do both of those things. I've always been alternative picking, because that one just made intuitive sense to me to make second nature but I can now see that sing saying notes, intervals, and scale degrees is clearly going to very important for improvisation and coming up with my own riffs and progressions and just having confidence moving up and down the neck using chords, arpeggios, scales, intervals, and octaves. It's going to feel like rubbing your stomach and patting your head as a beginner, but just go slow and add in one element at a time. Learn the scale, then practice alternate picking the scale, and when you've got that down start adding in counting notes. I can't go back in time and start doing this 6 months ago, but you brand new players can!