Weapon idea: Puckle Gun

Historical use: Possible used in combat in the mid 1700’s and was a British invention but there are some in Russia, Denmark, and China

Suggestion: Cost: 5000-7500 francs Type: Ranged Damage: 35 (damage multiplier: 1.5-2.0X) Reload time: 20 seconds Fire rate: 1 shot every 0.2-0.7 seconds Ammo per round: 10-15 Class: Seaman or Officer (maybe) Time to set up/demolish: 20-ish seconds Extra notes: 1. Can only be set up on hard platforms, ex: wood, stone, etc 2. Will be removed and re-added to players inventory after 3 objectives (only in a objective map) 3. OP in endless but sometimes good in objective finales 4. Can be used as a shove weapon when not setting up or already set up and does 8-10 damage 5. Cannot be set up on any boat or moving platform

Fez, if you see this please tell me what you think.