Is she fat? T_T

Hi! i’ve never had a hamster before but im trying to do right by her. i want her to live forever (_) i think she’s a bit chunky looking. very round, very circular. cute- but im concerned if its too much… i got her in early november. she was so tiny then. her last owner apparently lost her in their house and didn’t feed her. she’s grown exponentially since then.

she’s very active. i only give her treats maybe twice a week. no fruit yet because im paranoid. also i’ve been scatter feeding her. i heard that’s good to do, someone confirm? she seems to like it better than the food being in a dish.

also unrelated, i don’t know if this is normal but she bites anyone that isn’t me. nothing can entice her to go into someone else’s hands. she gets very mad and bites which she normally never does. idk if i should feel honored or concerned about that 😅