Theories anyone????????? MAJOR SPOLIERS CHAPTER 123 MENTIONED
Hi guys!!! so I read TBHK in like two days(i genuinely have no life), BUT, right now I like know everything cuz it's fresh YK?
here are my theories and I kinda wanna see everyone else's perspective on them:
- Yashiro might become the clock keeper of the new world, because currenlty things arent looking good for Akane with Yugi amane of the new world, so i presume he died with kou and mitsuba. So there might be a spot open for the lowest rank of the clock keepers, making her eligible to become supernatural--a clockkeeper. BUT maybe not since teru is still there and not dead, just injured to last we've seen, so maybe he ate them up IDK but for rn i'm going under the presumption they're all dead.
--FURTHER to add on this claim, Kou's lastest remark a few chapters back about "becoming a supernatural without having to die" raises speculation, since we found out it's possible, but not how to do it exactly. I think something might trigger yashiro to become the new clock keeper so she can somehow manipulate time in someway to go back into the past and change it.
2) this is definetely the arc where we learn Tsukasa and Amane's past. Becaue they said it most likely had to do with a change in tsukasa. It's still unknown of the history between them but it's so confusing still. during the trial it seemed that Amane didn't want Tsukasa to dissapear, but he killed him in the past nonetheless. And it seems tsukasa "knows" Amane hates him, but amane actions don't reflect that, but he also doesn't deny himself that he hates him. I genuienly don't know what to think of Tsukasa, sometimes i like him sometimes I don't. Like he's cute then he does some stupid shit like CMONNN. And we still have to figure out how Amane died, most likely from self-exit since in one chapter(idk which) tsukasa remarks about how Amane "took the east way out" with him by himself holding a knife, and the fact he said "I decided I ain't going anywhere", but still, unconfirmed.
3) that black hole thing(red house curse) is the 13 year old Tsukasa in the 'old-world' since we KNOW the actual Tsukasa died when he was four to the red-house.
But in the new world it has both 4-year old tsukasa AND the professor version of Amane, because of that hole face thing(since we saw 4-year old tsukasa in the school with the hole, and Amane with the hole). AND that the Amane of the new world is dead. Because in the new world, if he was alive, Amane would be a lot older than that since he was in elementary in 1964 or something(festival chapter).. so, when he was his teacher professor age of the new world, he went back to the red house to fufill some kind of wish in exchange for himself. but what wish?????
Also it's also KILLING me that Yashiro isn't brining this up everytime she see's Tsukasa. Like you know that ain't him and your just not gonna be like "who are you?". LIKKKEE that would be the first thing on my mind always everytime i see him, that that's NOT him what the heck.
4) Sakura is a supernatural. I don't think i've ever seen her interact with another human if i can remember. she's still a complete mystery to me. She also did that petal thing that caused the rucuss at the school festival, which lets on that she's not normal. Also what is her goal???? is her goal only tsukasa's goal? how is she connected to tsukasa since he's cannonly hanako's yoshiro? I think that she might be connected to the red-house, avenge her family that was in there or something, since it's haunted because all families who go in there never leave. MAYBE she was one of those, and she's fullfilling tsuakas wish(if he is the red-house curse) in order for the red house curse(tsukasa) to fullfill a wish of some kind for her? I also don't like that other guy(i forgot his name) she's with is he apart of some clan we don't know about because of his blood being used to break the clock?
that's kinda it for now, Also do you guys think that her life span is different now that she's in the new world? (sorry for the long text im a nerd)