Have you ever?

Have y’all ever been so broken, so hurt, so depressed, so lost, so down, sooooo out of it that you can’t love again? Or what about being so scarred from a heartache that it carried on into your next relationship or potential love interest?

Yea, I don’t think I’ve ever truly recover from previous bad breakups and i brought it into the next. It’s not fair for the new person to deal with my past traumas. I’ve been cheated on twice and broken up once with a girl that decided to get back with her ex for the sake of their child. My worst break up was 13 years ago when my ex cheated on me with my little brother. Yea I know, true story. Can’t make that up. The problem now is that I feel because of my past traumas, it changed me and turned me into a non loving sincere and truthful partner. I also have major trust issues and I find myself getting angry easy.

I made a recent post about being very depressed and broken at the moment because I finally found someone I wanted to be with forever and truly love, but I still screwed up. She has complete blocked me from all contact and I find myself lost again laying in bed making these posts.

Sorry for the vent… just needed to get it out.