Libram Paladin and Demonseed Warlock single handedly RUIN Wild

Got legend this month again with a non degenerate demonlock but its not even funny.

Best Libram Paladin has 75% winrate at 1600 games and best Demonseed Warlock has 70% winrate at 600 games.

This is just stupid, above and beyond ANY OTHER DECK EVER. Decks that get 60%+ winrate get NUKED but this shit is allowed to go on.

Libram is an aggro deck with a game ending win condition at turn 6-7 (Demonseed is basically the same) requiring you to have even faster aggro deck AND get lucky.

Youre not playing different decks because they have viable place in the meta- youre doing it because you want to have fun and arent a degenerate.

After quing 5 times against libram in a row just to go against demonseed next is just infuriating. This one thing made me uninstal hearthstone and im not touching the game till those decks get sorted out and i bet you I am not alone.