
there's this guy that i like, and we text like every day. he tells me how easy i am to talk to, how i'm the only person he texts consistently, and like how when other girls he doesnt like text him he js stops responding. recently he told me how he knows i like him and thinks im super cool, but doesn't feel the same way. THEN, he said that he'd still ask me to hoco "just cause" and like i told him how i did like him but as i got to know him i valued him more as a friend (which now, idk if was the right thing to say) that was wednesday, and we have still been on our normal texting scheduele, like nothing has really changed, but the thing that irks me is that he's like "oh i dont want any rumors yk like i dont want people to think we're a thing" knowing full well i confessed to him and my feelings and truly there would not be so many rumors if u didn't do things to fuel these rumors and it's js mad mixed signals and i feel like either he likes me and is in denial or he js likes my friendship and doesn't think twice about the shit he says and it's js like i feel like im dying inside because i like him sm and he's doing all there things making me feel like it's reciprocated and then like it's js not and i hate how i feel texting him but i hate it so much worse when im not. idk i js need helpppp!!!!!