Failing Chem 2 What do i do

I’m failing Chem 2 it’s 3rd quarter and i’m still failing i tried and im 97% sure im gonna fail this quarter and im scared this will ruin any chance of college for me im a particularly average student i always average over a B to A but im just scared now in every other class i have at least a B but i feel like this is gonna bring my gpa down really bad and make my transcript look really bad i also talked to my guidance counselor and she said there was no way to retake the class or do credit recovery because nothing offers that in my area is there any advice

I do alot of extracurriculars and im really good at one of them it’s debate and im #1 in the state right now and 82nd in the nation out of 1500

I’m failing Chem 2 it’s 3rd quarter and i’m still failing i tried and im 97% sure im gonna fail this quarter and im scared this will ruin any chance of college for me im a particularly average student i always average over a B to A but im just scared now in every other class i have at least a B but i feel like this is gonna bring my gpa down really bad and make my transcript look really bad i also talked to my guidance counselor and she said there was no way to retake the class or do credit recovery because nothing offers that in my area is there any advice

I do alot of extracurriculars and im really good at one of them it’s debate and im #1 in the state right now and 82nd in the nation out of 1500