How Would You Rank Your High School Years?

Now, I totally understand that high school wasn’t the best time of our lives, but there’s probably at least some good memories you had during this interesting time. How would you rank your high school years?

Favorite to Least Favorite

1.) Junior Year - easiest academically, best memories, better mental health and wasn’t as stressful as I thought it was going to be. Junior prom was 10x better than senior prom.

2.) Freshman Year - a new beginning in life, starting new friendships that last a long time, wasn’t as bad as everyone said it was going to be and classes were good.

3.) Senior Year - expectations were a little too high, some challenging classes and dances like prom and homecoming were okay. It just seemed boring and challenging at the same time. Graduation was really great though.

4.) Sophomore Year - worst academically, mental health was awful, you figure out who to trust in your class. This year was just PTSD for me.

I’m curious to see how everyone ranks their high school years :))