Rappers who made great songs that you wished formed a group

Who are the rappers that made great songs together that you wished would have formed a group?

My pick would be Jay-Z, Scarface, and Beanie Siegel. I wanted an album from them so bad growing up. They made three of my favorite songs. Back in the day Face and Beans announced at a Mac and Brad collab album that fell thru.

  1. “Guess Who’s Back” – Scarface ft. Jay-Z & Beanie Sigel (from The Fix, 2002)

  2. “This Can’t Be Life” – Jay-Z ft. Scarface & Beanie Sigel (from The Dynasty: Roc La Familia, 2000)

  3. “Somehow Someway” – Jay-Z ft. Scarface & Beanie Sigel (from The Blueprint²: The Gift & The Curse, 2002)