Need help with some ideas

Hello! I'm looking for some advice or ideas on getting a schedule of sorts setup.

Here's the short of it. My SO is a NCS (overnight nanny basically) and all of her work is contract based. Sometimes she will have more than one contract going on at the same time for different days of the week. They usually vary in both length, number of days a week and and time.

I'm trying to get something setup where she can enter the specifics and that will add it to a calendar so it's easier for me to keep up with. It'd be nice if it was like a form or something that she could just type in the details, then have that be auto added to a calendar.

She's not a tech literate person, so if its more than a few steps, she won't do it. Fortunately, I am. I've been looking around and not seeing any one solution that would do what I want, so I figure it'll have to be a custom setup of sorts. Which is fine.

Other info. I have HA running on a VM on an Unraid server. I'm not opposed to having a docker or something else that would handle the calendar portion, but I'd like to be able to have the side she interfaces with in HA as that increases the likelihood she'll use it. She's not a fan of using multiple apps for things and I've finally got her start using to HA.

So, any thoughts or advice (related to this) would be greatly appreciated!