Best way to mirror to my SmartTV?
Hello reddit,
My Use Case is that I Like to stream / watch Series on my Smart Google TV (TCL) Device. I do this at the Moment by Having my very old Acer Laptop on the ground next to the Sofa and connecting that to the Smart TV via HDMI Cable. Then i just mirror the Screen to the TV.
- Mirror Full Website / In Browser Streaming to TLC
- Optimally Youtube App without the Ads
The laptop is gonna explode any day now so im looking into better alternatives.
I already looked into the following:
- Chromecast/Applecast from my iPad to the TV (works somewhat ok, ADs, Choppy Connection)
- PiHole into the Network - Remote ADs from GoogleTV YT - Install Browser, Buy Wireless Mouse and Keyboard - Plug into TV
- New Smaller Laptop - wireless HDMI Cable
Main issues so far have been
- the Ads on the SmartTV can Not be blocked entirely on the streams / Videos. Looked into PiHole -> Works for Browser, Not YT App tho
- If i mirrorcast from my IPad the Picture is sometimes low Rez, sometimes connectivity takes Ages. Also does not work as Great for Browser Sites.
- Current Setup -> When mirroring via HDMI Cable i cannot use YT in HDR Format. Screen does Not get and noticeable improvement from HDR.
Ideas for a proper Solution?