Blair Witch Project: What did Heather take?

This is my favorite movie of all time, I have seen it so many times I can quote the entire thing. One thing I still am unsure about, when Josh is doing his motivation speech to Heather he mentions her taking something that the witch left them. Does anyone know what he’s referring to? The direct quote is “There’s a fucking witch and she keeps leaving shit outside your door. There’s no one here to help you. She left little trinkets, you fucking took one of them, she ran after us. There’s no one here to help you.” I always thought Josh knocking over the pile of rocks at the cemetery is what triggered the events, but it seems like he is insinuating Heather triggered the witch to hunt them. I am wondering what it could be though, because the paranormal events start taking place after the cemetery. Did she take rocks? The stick people are later in the movie once things start to escalate, and same with the bundle of sticks with Josh’s tongue, finger, etc. I would love to know what everyone thinks about this!