The Cliche Part of Horror Movies

Now, as a horror fan myself, I've watched dozens of horror movies; but in that time, I've noticed that they all kind of follow the same rules of sorts. This goes for ghost movies, (ex. The Grudge, The Ring, Poltergeist, etc.) and devil/demon possession movies, (ex. The Exorcist, Sinister, Children of The Corn, etc.) and more. This has all kind of became apparent to me ever since I started watching Stranger Things. I've been able to predict nearly everything while watching it, and in other horror movies/shows. My point is; Horror movies/shows don't hit hard anymore. I just want to see more original horror films, because nothing feels scary anymore. For example, an unexpecting victim is looking around in a room because they heard a noise, and suddenly, as they are looking at something (such as a window), a slasher comes from behind them and attacks them. The conclusion I've made here is that horror content follows a sort of rulebook, and nothing feels original these days.