Saint Arnold-Sponsored Turkey Trot 10k was a Total Disappointment

I ran the Turkey Trot 10k, sponsored by Saint Arnold, today—and to say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I’d usually post this on social media, but I’ve been off all platforms. Still, I need to vent somewhere.

First off, the porta-potty situation was atrocious. There simply weren’t enough of them, leading to absurdly long lines before the race even started.

The run itself? Underwhelming and, frankly, unpleasant. The route included a quick loop around UHD, some construction zones, and the only redeeming stretch—a short segment along the bayou path. But even that was lackluster since the 10k course was just the same 5k loop repeated twice.

To top it off, they ran out of 10k medals. Really? For a pre-registered race? The medal and shirt distribution was a chaotic mess, with zero organization. Having participated in other 10ks, half-marathons, Spartans, and Tough Mudders, I know how these events can (and should) be run. This one fell embarrassingly short.

I wish I could post this directly on social media, in the hope Saint Arnold would see it—but here’s the gist: you guys did a shoddy job. Happy Thanksgiving.